Friday, September 20, 2019

Untangle Yourself

               In life, our aim should be to untangle ourselves from situations that are not pleasant. Situations and people who try to pull us down, shouldn't be encouraged at all. Farther you stay away from it, the better will be it be. 

But at times, we do not know who or what these situations will be. And, even if we come across, will we be able to recognize them? Now, that is a million dollar question. When we come across a situation and with time we realize that this is not going to remain healthy, we should slither away from it. Never try to get involved with people who make our life miserable. The more we involve, the more tangled we get in life. And from there on, it is just downhill.

Always, learn to understand unpleasant situations and sense negative people. Our goal is to remain UNTANGLED!

Work IT Up

                       Most of us aspire to move up the ladder in our professional lives. But have we ever thought what all is essential to get that done. Well, here are a few tips,

1. Discipline is the most important
2. Be Honest
3. Time Management
4. Dedication
5. Diligence
6. Organization
7. Have a plan in place
8. Execute the plan
9. Be smart
10. Be open to learning
11. Be Polite
12. Wear a Smile
13. Own up what you do
14. Be Helpful around
15. Hone your Skills
16. Always Strive Hard
17. Maintain a Goal
18. Keep Rewarding for all your Achievements
19. Pat Your Back
20. Chin Up Always!

I'm sure each of us have our ways, but these are just a few to add up to it!