Thursday, January 17, 2019

Movie Buff For Life

         I simply love movies. I have always been a movie buff. I watch movies in five languages - Hindi, English, Kannada, Telugu and Tamil. Recently I watched - Simmba. Ranveer's acting was so energetic and entertaining. I always wonder who much effort, time, money and energy is invested in making a movie. One Friday release at the box office declares it a Hit or a Miss. 
But Simmba was so entertaining that there never was a dull moment in the movie. My favorite is the remake song - Ankh Marey! The whole time we sat in the theater, I didn't feel the need to look at my watch even once. The in-between Marathi dialogues was so good that I fondly remembered and missed having my Marathi friend next to me to translate the dialogues. 

So for all you movie enthusiasts, if you have missed watching this movie- Go Watch and have a Hearty Laugh!

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