Monday, February 11, 2019

Coffee Shops & Conversations

             There is something about having conversations in a coffee shop. I absolutely enjoy having long conversations with my buddies in a coffee shop, even though I am not a coffee lover. The first time, I went into a Cafe Coffee Day (CCD) was during my Engineering days. A friends and me used to sit at the coffee shop and have conversations about a dozen topics. From books, movies, music, art to new restaurants, everything is discussed in depth. The strongest connections have always happened in these coffee shops. Most of my closest friends even today catch up for mindless ramblings in a coffee shop. Nothing can beat this friendly feeling. Even today I enjoy these long conversations.
I met a friend of mine yesterday in a coffee shop and I must say, the feeling is the same. My love for these is never going to change. 

A Conversation over a cup of no-coffee is just the best form to catch up with my friends.

Do any of you like conversations over coffee or no-coffee?

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