Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Book & Rain - Bliss

        For the last three days, it's pouring cats and dogs in my city. Every evening, it's been raining crazily. The skies have opened up and the rain gods have decided to be super kind. As I sat at my window and watched, huge the droplets hit the ground. And I must say a strange sense of calmness takes over my mind and envelops with a tinge of serenity. 

There is something about the rains. I have always enjoyed watching it and I still continue to do so. And a book with some Tea is ultimate bliss. Turn the pages while the drops make a pitter - patter. 
Everything around comes to a stand still and only the words are racing in my mind. 

I happened to start with a new book titled - The Wives by Lauren Weisberger. The rains and a new book,is just perfect!

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