Thursday, August 27, 2009


This may seem something really close to Me. Yes, it has to... Read on to know what, I'm for sure most of you will agree with them then...

By now I'm sure you all know my colleague 'R'. ( For those who don't know, please read my BLOGS carefully, you'll know her..) Here comes another Joint Venture of ours....

The other day R had gone to another office of ours for a project meeting. I was waiting impatiently for her to come back... (She sits next to me in my cubicle & if she is away, my jaws ache a lot having to keep my mouth shut....).
R as all of you know talks as much as I do ( I'm sure that is excessive....). She came back around 5:45 P:M. Glad I was to the core...Atlast, my jaws will open up...We usually leave office at 6:00 P:M together... She apparently had a whole bunch of tales for me during our journey back home. We got into the bus and she started off....She also speaks in a high pitch like me. I was listening to her tales intently and giving my inputs here & there.... All of a sudden I realized my stomach is grumbling & I remembered that she had biscuits... Not wanting to disrupt her thought flow, I whispered biscuits... She stopped talking all of a sudden...There was total silence... She started looking around... Man, I was baffled.... Couldn't figure out why that wonderful gossip came to such an abrupt end.... The expression on her face had already changed.... What had happened?????

I asked her why she stopped.. (Curiosity kills you see, especially half way around...) She asked me who is there in the bus??? I said no one....

Here comes the heights of mis - hearing.....I had WHISPERED biscuits and she thought I said someone from office is in the bus and had stopped.....

(Usually when we gossip in office, we show facial expressions so that the other person understand and stops.....It so happened that in the bus while asking ofr biscuits I made those misleading expressions for the poor gurl to stop....)

What a hearty laugh I had seeing my friend's face freeze.....Mind you, she is an ace when it come to facial expressions....)

Beware next time you gossip.....