Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Nostalgia - We'll be Counting Stars!

December - The season of holidays. From Xmas time to ushering the New Year, it is the season to be merry and joyous. Since, I have decided that I will try my best to blog everyday, what better way than a post on nostalgia. 
When I was a kid, we used to have pretty long Xmas holidays. I used to be excited since all the cousins would get together. A few bookworms like me would have the reading list for holidays ready and would wait to chat endlessly about books and a dozen other little exciting things. Perks of being a child. 
Xmas holidays time meant gathering at my granny's place. All of us to camp in there and have a merry time. Out of all the things that I used to enjoy, one distinct memory stands out - Counting Xmas Stars. During Xmas season, houses hung Xmas stars outside. Almost all the houses in my granny's vicinity used to have stars outside their homes. I loved counting these stars. It had become such a ritual that year on year, I used to count all the stars that I used to come across. To make it more fun, my mum used to count them as well. We used to see who has counted maximum number of stars every time. 
Even today, when its Xmas round the corner and I see a star, subconsciously I begin to count. I look at my mum and give her a knowing smile. 
Guess somethings never change in life! December to Remember. 

New Year - New Beginnings

                                                     HAPPY NEW YEAR FOLKS!!

As we bid adieu to the year 2018, we usher in a new year 2019. This year I have for the first time written down my resolutions in my new Archetype Planner and I intend to stick to my resolutions. What better way to start than make my resolutions be seen on the social platform - like a constant reminder, so here are a few of my noteworthy resolutions,

1. Read 4 books every month - A grand total of 48, rounded off to 50 books. I have made a reading wall this year to see if I am on track (Check Preeti Shenoy's blog for more on Reading Wall).

2. Try to blog every single day of the year - Another grand total of 365 blogs to my blog post.

3. To finish my writing - A set of short stories that I have started and not finished. Hopefully 2019 is the year for it. 

Well, these are my TOP 3 Resolutions for 2019 and I intend to stick to it this year. Good luck and best wishes to all!! May all your resolutions come true!