Monday, July 8, 2019

*Some Music for my Soul*

Off late I am repeat mode for a few songs and the list is as below,

1. Rescue Me
2. Meant to Be
3. Love Lies
4. Delicate
5. Him & I

I love music and I listen to what catches my fancy. That's all for now!

A Pool - for the First Time!

                 Cab Pool - Is something I have never done. I take the cabs but never a share. Yesterday, I had gone out and my friend suggested I do cab sharing. So, I decided to take it up. The cab got booked and I took the ride.

It was a long distance and there was one guy already sitting. I sat in the front and started chatting with the driver. (Yes, I talk to all!!) This guy was such a good guy that the whole ride felt so pleasant. We picked up another guy and then no more. The other two got dropped of before me and I was the last drop - off. The entire journey that lasted close to 40 mins was amazingly pleasant and smooth.

Now when you think, it's the drivers who either make the journey smooth or not so nice. A good driver actually makes a difference to that journey!