Thursday, June 6, 2019

Some Priceless Possessions

             I loved my maternal grandparents very dearly. They were my most favorites in the whole wide world. I lost my grandpa (my Naana), just before I graduated from Engineering. But then the solace was that my Grandma is still going to be with us. But in 2016, I lost my grandma too. That was a big blow. 

A few days back, I wanted to keep a few sarees of my grandma. I took a few of her sarees to keep. Out of which, I happened to get one of my Grandma's wedding sarees. The other one went to my cousin. Just sitting there in front of her sarees, transports me into another world. They are my priceless possessions and forever treasured. 

Sometimes, we say materialistic things we shouldn't be attached too, but times like this, it is the materialistic possessions that bring back those beautiful memories! Cherish the Materials, Cherish the Memories!!