Monday, February 19, 2018

Audacity to Dream

                                                                                                Breathing Dreams like Air!
                                                                                                                                  -F. Scott Fitzgerald

         One cold winter night, a heavily pregnant woman walks into a hospital, all by herself. For a few seconds, the staffs in the hospital are muddled, but are astute enough to shake off the bewilderment and rush up to her. With a smile on her lips and resolute in her eyes, she is ready to be assisted. After all the hardships she has faced, the moment of utmost glee is right round the corner. With the help of the amicable staff, she waddles a little more before she is flat on her back on the bed. She shuts off her eyes, just for a few seconds, the last few seconds before her dream comes true; the dream that she had dreamt for so long.
After a few eventful hours, the mother finally holds her child in her arms – her beautiful daughter has been born. She holds her new born daughter and cradles her bundle of joy. Silently, she sheds a few priceless drops of tears, but all in incessant faith – the relentless conviction of a woman and mother.
Yes, she had the audacity to dream and a dream which came true in the form of her daughter.

                         A drop of tear,
                                      But with no fear,
                         A life to stream,
                                        And the Audacity to Dream!
              Every time the little girl stood in front of her father, he chose to walk away. Each time it was the same – never a smile, never a pat on her back or even an acknowledgment. This pretty girl could never fathom the sequence of her life’s pattern. But one musing always mystified her – How did her father be different towards her brother all the time? On every occasion she spotted them, they seemed to share a really wonderful bond, then why was she not part of this bond. Every time, her pondering led her to the same cessation – A Big Hollowness.  
But this girl was unrelenting. She tried various ways to get her father’s attention, hence, she worked very hard; either academics or extracurricular, she was the topper. In spite, not once, did her father amend his ways towards his daughter.
It was time for her to fly out of home, to build her life outside in a new world, hopefully. She stood for a few minutes in her room; shed a few drops of priceless tears, but all in incessant faith – the relentless conviction of a woman and her diligent degree.
Yes, she had the audacity to dream and a dream which came true in the form of her Education.

                         A drop of tear,
                                      But with no fear,
                         A life to stream,
                                        And the Audacity to Dream!

         All through the day, she worked efficiently. Like a clock work mouse, she came in first and went out last. In rhythm she worked all day. Never a scatter brain, she knew her work at the back of her mind. Always helpful, she strived hard to carve a niche for herself at work. Anyone could say she indeed was a resplendent resource.
If only, her supervisor shred the same standpoint, her life would be free of creases. But, there is always a diverse notion and unfortunately it was from him – her boss. Yes, someone whom she couldn’t choose. It didn’t dither her from striving to work hard and she had to work twice more than the rest of her team mates, even to be seen and heard.  Yet, every time an opportunity arose in front of her, she was bound to leave her mark.
Her boss never appreciated anything she did. But that was no road block. She had long ago learned to pave her own path towards life. As the days passed, she worked even harder. The only goal soaring in front of her sight all the time and in time that goal and dream had to be realised. In a few days, she would be the boss and she knew the day would arrive soon; she shed a few drops of priceless tears, but all in incessant faith – the relentless conviction of a woman and a lady boss.
Yes, she had the audacity to dream and a dream which came true in the form of her being her own boss.

                         A drop of tear,
                                      But with no fear,
                         A life to stream,
                                        And the Audacity to Dream!

  Why isn’t a woman’s life complete without being married or bearing child/children? She may have scaled heights professionally, but if she hasn’t scaled her personal life being married or bearing children, then she isn’t triumphant. She finally met a guy, whom she thought she could spend the rest of her life with. Till the day they tied the knot, she was sure he was the one. But things didn’t remain the same soon after. It was a struggle each day, for she had to prove her worth not only at work, but also at home. One more problem with him, but yes, she had to face it.
Each day, it was the same story of her life. How could this be happening, just because she didn’t wear the pants in the relation? It was hard to comprehend. Weren’t they meant to be equal partners, or was it just her faux imagination. But neither was giving up an option in her life. She knew things had to change and she would start with the change; a change where she expected helps in the kitchen always, but forgot to see outside the kitchen. For, in her mind, it was her husband’s terrain; she shed a few drops of priceless tears, but all in incessant faith – the relentless conviction of a woman and an equal partner. 
Yes, she had the audacity to dream and a dream which came true in the form of being the equal partner in her marriage.

                         A drop of tear,
                                      But with no fear,
                         A life to stream,
                                        And the Audacity to Dream!

         Life goes around in a circle. You get, you give and yet a few learn to break free. When she looked back at her life, a retrospect inspection, she had a million questions that cropped up like little plants. Right from the beginning - till date, she had a lot to ask. But where was she going to get rejoinders? Well, some from outside, but most from within. A single seed of thought to change oneself is the beginning of a new plant. A plant, that grows beautifully into a lovely tree.
One warm summer night, heavily pregnant woman walks into a hospital, with her husband right next to her. With a smile on her lips and resolute in her eyes, she gets herself wheeled in. Her husband holds her hand tight and looks like he is ready to faint. All along, she tells her husband she and the baby are going to be just fine. Every single time, she lingered somewhere between her imagination and reality and that gave her hope always.
After a few eventful hours, the mother finally holds her child in her arms – her beautiful daughter is born. She holds her new born daughter and cradles her bundle of joy. The father is overcome with joy. He holds the baby very carefully and gently, lifts her up and kisses on top of her head. Silently, she, the mother sheds a few priceless drops of tears, but all in incessant faith – the relentless conviction of a woman and mother.

Yes, she has the audacity to dream and a dream which came true in the form of her life.

                         A drop of tear,
                                      But with no fear,
                         A life to stream,
                                        And the Audacity to Dream!
              A hope of tear,
                     Silent hands in here,
                            A life to glean,
                              And yes, the audacity to continue to dream!

The end is just the new beginning.

                                                                                              Follow your Dreams, they know the Way!

-          Kobi Yamada