Wednesday, August 7, 2019

A Very Interesting Ride

                       I had to step out today in the afternoon. Just as I wanted to book the cab, it started drizzling. Just great - as it is I do not get cabs and today when the rain gods decided to show some mercy, the cab guy most definitely would show no mercy. As I silently sent a prayer up to the rain god and booked a cab, feverishly hoping someone picks the ride. Lo behold! Someone accepted the ride in flat 20 seconds. Yoo hoo! 

As I got into the cab, the driver seemed very pleasant. He had a smile on his face which is so rare actually non existent. Most cab drivers are grumpy and behave like they are favoring us by giving us those free rides. And the entire city traffic problem is caused by us. But today, it was a pleasant surprise. Thanked the rain god again!

The cab driver and me chatted away till I reached my destination on all the topics ranging from cars to number plate colors. The 40 min ride seemed to pass in a jiffy. At the end of it, we both were happy to have had a pleasant conversation. 

I wish there were more such cab drivers who made the rides pleasant. Rain god - thank you once again!