Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Sometimes Life is Hard - And it is OK


                I have a habit of checking my LinkedIn account every single day. I try to repost or like a few messages put up, an attempt to be active. Today, while I was scrolling, I found a very interesting video titles Life Sucks! Out of sheer curiosity, I open the video and I must say those two minutes were a real eye opener. The lady in the video was saying that it is alright to admit life isn't easy always. 

            This got me thinking. All our lives keep changing and it is not meant to be the same. We have our highs and lows. But how to deal with it is the question. Some of us keep it all shut inside, some of us pretend to the world that all is fine and dandy. While some of us try to talk with our near and dear ones. It helps to talk it out amongst dear friends, supportive family and other close ones. It lessens the burden from within. We must not forget that nothing is meant to last forever and whatever maybe the situation, we will learn to deal with it better. And, it is perfectly fine if life is not ok and we are struggling. It will get better!