Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Well, another day, yet another incident....

These days I leave office at 6:15 P:M. I traverse half of the city to reach back home. (That's how far I travel to work). This mega event happened just yesterday.
7:05, my colleague and me were standing in stop no. 2 waiting for a bus. (Oh yes, now I have a partner to travel with). Both of us were jabbering away to glory. She is Ramya's replacement now.
There was this amazing guy, dancing away to glory in the stop. (I'm sure liqor does have some power, of should I say lots....) He was speaking to all the girls in the stop..... And it went something like this...Hello all,,,, I'm Ravishankar follower.... Blah Blah Blah.... My colleague and me were wondering as to why none were belting him..

7:15 P:M, our bus came and we were more than happy to duck this awful scene and protect ourself in those majestic public transports....

We both were discussing what a relief it was and I think we spoke too soon.... This guy had boarded the same darned bus... Christ!!! At 7:20 in the night, who wants such mega events happening....HE started again.... Hello ladies.. Don't fall in love... Thank you all... This goddamn line he kept repeating a zillion times......

Finally someone shoved him out of the bus.....

Relief regained back.....


Karthik[:)] said...

u shud make a list of all the weirdos that u come across in public transports diiii ;-)

Unknown said...

:):):) So, moral of this is would be " Never try to escape from anyone coz they will be behiond you unknowingly "