Saturday, January 19, 2019

An Enchanted Day

        The first time I read Chitra Divakaruni Bannerjee was at work. One of my colleagues introduced me to this author's books and from that day there was no turning back. I got hooked on to her writing so much so that I have read every single book she has written till her latest - The Forest of Enchantments

Today, she happened to be in Bangalore for the book signing and I wouldn't miss this chance of meeting her for anything. So I asked my constant companion - my mother and she was more than happy to oblige. So both of was went to the book store. I asked at the first store and they told me she had left. But that guy was so sweet to tell me which store she went into. I followed her into the next bookstore and lo, behold, she was sitting there with the warmest smile. I was so elated to see her that I walked up to her and introduced myself and had a lovely brief conversation. I asked her for a photograph and she very kindly agreed. I picked up her book, which was signed personally from her and walked out with the biggest smile.
A day spent so well and enchanted!

Now, its time to embark upon the journey with Sita in her latest novel!

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