Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Grow a Green Thumb

      When I was a kid, I used to see my grandmother have a lovely garden. She loved plants and trees. From flowering plants to fruit bearing trees, she used to be very fond of it. I used to go with my granny to the garden and learn gardening. For the longest time I used to enjoy digging up the soil, sowing the seeds, watering them and watch them grow beautifully. 
As I grew, gardening took a back seat. But, the last few years, I have gone back to gardening and trying to re-grow my green thumb.
Today, one of my aunt's closest friend had invited us home for lunch. At her place, I saw a lovely garden. So many varieties of plants and all so well maintained. To top it. she had a splendid terrace vegetable garden with chilies, coriander, okra, brinjal, curry leaves, tomatoes, french beans, peas, drumstick and carrots. She was showing us her garden with so much love and affection, it brought back fond memories with my grandmother. Just standing there on her terrace, I came up with an added resolution that this summer of 2019, I am going to have a small vegetable garden of my own and try my bit of luck at it. 
Good luck to my Green Thumb!

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