Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Friends - We all need them for life

               Friends - I feel is a very beautiful connection that we establish. Some friendships happen in school, some in college and surprising some even at work. But friends are a very important pillar in everyone's life. Now here are a few tips on keeping those friendships intact,

1. Pick up the phone and talk to your friends often - We all may be connected socially on various platforms including the most popular form - WHATSAPP. But there is nothing like having a nice conversation in between as well.

2. Try and meet your friends - We all need that f2f conversations with our friends. There is something very serene and soothing in having mindless ramblings with our buddies. Just meet, chat and laugh away for a few hours, brings so much solace from within. 

3. Learn to listen - It is essential that we all take friends for granted and always in a hurry to tell what we have too. But it is pivotal to even listen to what they have to tell us. 

4. Don't be in a hurry to react - Listen patiently and don't be a hurry to react. Response is the key.

5. Show love, care, concern and respect.

6. Be empathetic. 

7. Build trust and make those friendships strong so that they last a lifetime.

Cheers to all my Friends and for the most amazing friendships I have with each and everyone of you in my life!

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