Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Spouse Mirrors Spouse or Not

                  Often I have pondered seeing couples - Were they always like this or did it happen over an aeon of togetherness? I don't know what it is, but the couples begin to reflect each other's behaviors. It may not be planned, but the quantum of conduct is evident. 
Whether it is a good or a bad inculcation, the vibes will radiate. A soft spoken person with a harsh spouse can pick up the attributes of being rude and harsh, while a rude person can mellow down. I don't know how far it is true to all cases, but I have seen a few examples around me which triggered my today's blog post. 
Living together for a good number of years can knowingly or unknowingly make you blend with your spouse. Some for the betterment, while others can be difficult. Next time, a couple is together, sit back and observe in your circle and see if you see the same or not. 

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