Wednesday, June 5, 2019

A Fine Rainy Evening - Coffee Bar & Conversations

              Today in the evening a friend and me decided to goto CTR for the popular Masala Dose. Of course, we had to do it, since we had been postponing for a while. So, today was the decided day. As we drove, there was a sudden downpour, mercilessly by the rain gods. And, we all know what happens in our city when it rains. The roads were clogged like crazy and traffic jam was insane. Yeah, more insane than usual. 

As we were half way, we decided it wasn't possible to drive in this rain and diverted. From CTR we drove to Brahmin's Coffee Bar, a place I hadn't visited in all my years in this city. How I have missed it, I have no clue. But today became the D day for this place.

As we got out of the car, it started to drizzle. We made it to the place quickly. By then, the rain had started even more crazily in that area. We had hot Upma and Idly with Tea over our random topic conversations. Such fun times to stand with your buddy whom you have practically grown up with, enjoying desi food and chai, watching the rain. Oh, the small joys of having such good friends is above it all. 

So for all those who have not been to the authentic Brahmin's Coffee Bar, please go today. Idly, Vada, Upma, Kesari bhaath, tea and coffee. Enjoy!

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