Monday, June 17, 2019

A Warm Welcome


              After my exams today, my aunt and me visited one of her friend's home. So we both had our lunch and went over. Firstly, the home was so pretty that words fall short to describe. So much greenery in her home and so much peace, that it was a delight to step into.

As we sat there chatting away, the serenity surrounding the home was a welcome calmness. The best part of the home was her shady patio right in the middle of her beautiful and well kept garden. There were some really nice paintings and aunty told me that her sister had painted them. The home was so well decorated, that there wasn't a single furniture out of place. 

The best part of the home was the sweetest dog that greeted us - Tripod. That poor little dog had only three legs, but the amount of love he showered was unconditional.

Overall, we had a lovely time spent at her place! 


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