Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Expectation - Keep it Reasonable

        Expectations - The word that can get a relationship either uphill or downhill. But does that mean one needs to stop having expectations or keep the expectations - now that's a million dollar question.

Every relationship, every person in the relationship has expectations. I do not know anyone who has no expectations. But sometimes it so happens that we over shoot what we need to expect. And with that we have unnecessary expectations from our partner. That poor partner at times very willingly bears the brunt and sometimes gives it a slight push. Can you blame them? Clearly not.

But this thing of expecting is something that cannot be changed. When that person is yours, you are bound to expect. Who else will you expect from other than this one person in your life that you love. Ensure that expectation is reasonable. Else, it is not a fair strike at all. 

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