Friday, August 30, 2019

Friends for Life & Those Walks to Remember

                          There is something that hasn't changed since 2004. Even though it has been 15 years. Feels like such a long time, but walk down memory lane, the walks still feel with the same. 

It's one of my closest friends to whom I have always opened up so easily, even though I am someone who rarely opens up to people. Even today when I take a walk, it always feels the same - Very Comfortable and So Peaceful. It actually brings more clarity to my thoughts and the clutter fades away. 

There should always be people like in this one's life to open whom you can open up effortlessly. No one to judge, just an ear to hear. Makes a world of a difference. In my case, those walks, though they are far and few, I enjoy them thoroughly. Sometimes, I wish I could go back in time, just to get these little walks, a lot more. But, I am still very happy that friends still make time for each other even now and that's a truly cherished friendship for life.

So, if any of you have such friends, pat your back, because great friendships are really precious and rare, and if you have found it, it's for Life!

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