Thursday, August 8, 2019

Personal Analysis - Complete the Circle

The circle of life consists of various cardinals,

1. Health
2. Family
3. Work
4. Friends
5. Extended Family
6. Activities

A key parameter that is extremely important. Exercise is essential and it needs to be done on a regular basis. 

Very important and needs to be a key focus. Spouse, kids, parents/in-laws, siblings need to be given time and attention.

Money is important. One cannot live on air, water and love. There are no free lunches in this world. Work plays an important role and it needs great attention as long as we are at work. Try not to bring work home, because that should ideally be the family time.

All of us need friends and they make our lives a happier place. Try to meet, have face to face conversations over a cup of coffee. Keep in touch regularly. 

Extended Family:
These include cousins, relatives, in laws side family who need some time to be spent with, though not on a periodic basis. Try to gather together for functions and make it a point to attend events that give an opportunity to meet them all.

Very essential to retain hobbies and develop new interests. Pick a new hobby, enrich the existing hobbies, whatever it may be, it needs to be present in life. 

These form the circle of life and each of them need to present to make our journey a moderately grand one.

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