Thursday, August 29, 2019

Think it Through

                    Problems - It arises in everyone's life. And, what fun if life doesn't have problems, right? Well, the problem is that no one likes problems and more over it needs to be solving too. But, each one of us have different problems and each one of us have different ways to tackle it. But what we think is the root cause may not be the actual area where the problem stems from. In our minds, we think that is where it has risen from. In this case, at times we are right, at times we may not be. But how do we know that? Of course, we won't, but it's a gut that guides us. And, we can only silently pray that this gut kicks in at the right time, not too early, not too late, but just right. 

I happen to read something today and that point stuck home. It said - Problem isn't always where you think it is; it's always further back!

Just read the above statement carefully and then you will realize that this statement makes perfect sense. If we dwell a little further back, we will actually know it. Think about it!

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