Saturday, October 12, 2019

Take A Little Extra - It's Needed

How many of us volunteer to take up extra responsibilities? Be it at work, or at colleges or any other place of interest. Well, I am sure it is not all. A few of us like that extra on our plate, while a few feel extra is not needed.

But, the real deal in life, is to take that extra whenever an opportunity arises. Volunteer, add more responsibilities at work, take up a new challenge or be up for new learning. Whatever may be the new initiatives that one takes, keep adding. That little extra work we do is always essential and it takes one a long way in life. 

Many of us hesitate looking at a half full plate and are petrified to add more responsibilities pondering about a lot of Why's. But every little bit that we do extra, it's always a progress and it notches up our learning or experience. And, either is always for our betterment.

So next time, just take that little extra - there is always room for it!

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