Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Each new day when you arise, you know you have something to look forward. The bright day brings in new aspirations, new hopes & a whole new range. It feels beautiful to awaken to go for it.

But just imagine, just suppose, there is a break. A break in your each new day. Trust me things wouldn't seem the same. She just experienced a break like this for about a week. By God, life wouldn't have been more pathetic than this. Lying in bed the entire day, seilenly hoping that TOMORROW would definitely be a new day. All day long with nothing to do. Day would some how pass, but nights would seem the longest. Each second would seem an eternity.

The same plight of lying on bed for over a week, was a litlle too much to bear. Not able to walk, not able to sit, not able to do anything practically. How would life seem like???? No better then hell...

Finally after what seemed like a zillion years on bed, she was able to get up from bed. A second life was all she cpuld think of to thank her stars and God...

Each day is brilliant. We crib at times over monotonous rituals, each day we do the same and there is nothing new happening in life.

But have you ever pondered that this is what keeps us going... Just sit back a day or 2 breaking your monotonous life, trust me it will drive you crazy!!!

Indeed life is beautiful, make the most of it.....


Karthik[:)] said...

sit back from the monotonous life and u'll get bugged???
no sis...thats what u call relaxing and taking vacation...but i know the situation was a lil different for u..u were forced to take a break...it really gets to yr head i can understand yr plight diiiii

Unknown said...

absolutely right....we crib so much of our daily monotony and fail to see the small beautiful things it gives us until they make up our sweet memories.....