Friday, November 9, 2018

Let It Go!

         I woke up to a cold morning. As I peeped outside my window, I was greeted by the most pleasant sight. The tree right in front of my window, looked festive and colorful. The leaves had turned into shades of red, yellow and orange. The sight was so enthralling that I stood seeing the tree for a long time. I quickly took a picture to out post it on my Instagram account and went about doing the rest of my chores.

After a few days, I went back to see the status of my festive tree. This tree was beginning to shed all its leaves. Such pretty colors, I can't even begin to describe and yet the leaves were being shed. This got me thinking about life. The way the tree changes from season to season, don't we need to change at least as and when it is required. Shed what we don't need in life and grow new ones in life. It could be anything, right from shedding jealously to cribbing. We need to shed the negativity within us and develop positivity. We don't have to cling on to things that we no longer need or use and learn to let go. 

This is what I sum it up to,

1. Let go
2. Shed it
3. Regrow
4. Develop
5. Stand tall

Look around you, there is so much to learn from everything!

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