Monday, June 10, 2019

Electronic Gadgets Clean Up - Periodically

          It has been a while I switched from Android to IOS phone. So, from that day, I had not transferred anything from my Phone to my Laptop. so last week, while on a Video Call with my cousin brother, I decided to clean while conversing. Yes, there is something about we women, who can multi task beautifully and I am most definitely one among them. 

So, we began our video call, and electronic gadgets clean up together. To my utter dismay, I realized I had about 2900 photos to be transferred from my laptop. Good Lord! I dont think I clearly think when I click away. I only realize later. Phew! 

As I took 40 mins to transfer, I check listed Task 1. My brother showed me his house, his gym set-up in the basement, his flora consisting of wide variety of beautiful plants. Then, we both decided to download a few software's. First was Team Viewer. Successfully Done. Then upgraded iTunes. After which I upgraded my AutoDesk and Java Software. Finally, I downloaded Anti - Virus and it was all done. After nearly 2.5 hours, I had cleaned up my phone and my laptop successfully, while connecting with my brother. 

I am sorted for a few more months, before I start this all over again with additions and deletions!

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