Sunday, June 9, 2019

First Web Series of the Month

            Mind The Malhotras - My first Web series of the Month. I had been seeing the trailer for a few days and I was waiting to watch it when it aired on June 7th. There are 8 episodes and not too long, so I could watch it over a period of two days. It's about half an hour roughly. 

The story revolves around a Couple who goes into Therapy and every session the Counselor asks them questions and they go to show what happens in their lives. Father, Mother, Three Kids, Mother - In - Law and the House Help. 

Overall, it is a nice show and the biggest merit is it is devoid of Bad Language and Strong Content. So overall it is entertaining. 

Rating: 4.5/5
Recommendation: Medium - High

Go watch it Folks - The Malhotras are Funny and Entertaining!!

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